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NEWS 8 Investigates a locksmith?

NEWS 8 Investigates a locksmith? While Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and the Transportation Security Administration spend millions of dollars on the latest in post-9/11 security, some experts say they are overlooking — if not ignoring — a serious flaw in their system.

It is a weak link in a chain in the airport's older terminals that could render all the high tech safeguards useless, putting lives at risk.

The lines, screening and scans for airport visitors can be an unpleasant, expensive and time-consuming experience. But it is the primary safety net for thwarting a terrorist threat.

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locksmiths guilds : Karpilow the success locksmiths

locksmiths guilds : BRIDGEPORT - Although the Coopers, buggy-makers and blacksmiths, once contemporaries have faded in the decades since its founding, Karpilow Safe & Lock Co. has recently expanded into the 21 Century.

"Three families have heard," said Rick Bayuk, current owners of the company that from 2410 to 4490 Main St. Main St. this spring. He said the company was founded in 1870 as Moulton Locksmiths Karpilow Jacob Karpilow and partners. Karpilow The family sold it in 1956 to Bill Green Mountain, which sold it to Bayuk in 2000.

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